My Experience - Why Spouse Career Counseling Should Be A Top Priority!
Out of personal experience and after one year of a weekend marriage, a decision had to be made. Does the family leave our loved domicile and personal as well as professional networks in Munich to join the partner in Berlin? Never has a move challenged me more and I have lived on three continents. It was new to me, I was a spouse who had to give up her career, shuffle the cards again, and find the strength for a big change.
It was a challenge for us, our two boys adjusting to new schools, making new friends and I was left “hanging” in nowhere land. No networks!! As a psychologist integrated into a holistic health institute and with a private practice in Munich, moving to Berlin was testing. The famous “Berliner Schnauze”, the rough tone broke my resilience, and also made me aware of the years it took me in Munich, as an American “working” mother, to establish myself professionally, make a name for myself … I realized, I was unhappy.
I began to hear my inner voice, identified my strengths and resources, had the insight and skills for a change process, and moved on. I became an entrepreneur and a “Relocation” specialist.
In retrospect, many years later, still in Berlin and loving it, I realize my new professional career fulfilled all my needs and offered an anchor. I want to empower spouses, predominantly women, so they do not need to struggle on their own.
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Ariane Almerood
Hi there! I'm Ariane, and I am the founder of IRC Berlin. I was born in Calcutta India and lived several years in Asia before "returning home" to Amsterdam. My formative years were spent in California USA and I have lived in Germany since 1966. My studies were at American Universities but my career began in Germany. I love sharing my experiences and expertise that I gathered over the years since I arrived in Berlin as a spouse myself. My background as a psychologist helps me a lot to understand what people need, especially in challenging times like a relocation process. My focus lies on making this experience as pleasant and easy as possible for you so please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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