Cumpolsory Vaccination
We would like to share some information with you about compulsory vaccinations in Germany, there have been recent law changes which affect all kindergarten and school children as well as adults working in childcare or the medical sector and also for refugees/asylum seekers living in group accommodation.
From March 2020, parents will have to prove that their children have been vaccinated before they can be admitted to a kita or school. The vaccination obligation also applies to childminders and staff in day-care centers, schools, medical facilities, and communal facilities such as refugee shelters. Children will only be admitted to kindergarten or school if they have had the jabs and violations can result in fines of up to €2,500. The proof can can come from a vaccination certificate, a ‘Kinderuntersuchungsheft‘, a special booklet parents fill out documenting their child’s vaccines, or by a medical certificate that shows that the child has already had measles.
Measles is one of the most contagious and infectious diseases. Across Europe, 12,352 measles cases were reported in 2018. In 2019, 501 cases were registered in Germany by mid-October. Throughout 2018, the nationwide number of reported diseases was 544 cases. Measles often comes with complications and leave lasting health issues. In the worst case, this includes fatal brain inflammation. A measles infection is, contrary to popular belief, not a „harmless child’s disease“. Vaccines offer the best protection against measles. They ensure lifelong immunity. (source )
The Kinderuntersuchungshilfe is also available in English.
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Juli Buchanan
Hi there! I'm Juli, I have german roots but I grew up in New Zealand and have been living in Germany since 2004. I love sharing my passion for Berlin and all it has to offer with new 'Berliners' and through my work as a freelance Relocation Consultant with IRC I have the opportunity to do so.

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