29-Euro-Ticket For Berlin From October
After much discussion and divided opinions on the 9€ ticket in summer, the VBB (Verkehrsbetrieb Berlin Brandenburg) agreed in September to a 29-euro ticket for the AB fare zone. This is to be valid as a successor to the 9-euro-ticket from October to December 2022. The idea is to bridge the time until a nationwide successor regulation for the nine-euro ticket is in place.
The option of buying the 29-euro ticket on a monthly basis - as in the case with the 9-euro-ticket - is not possible.
Since mid-October, attempts are now being made to find a long-term solution. This may take several months. As a possible solution a 49-euro ticket for local transport throughout Germany, available as an annual subscription, is being discussed. However, the financing is still unclear.
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Hannah Köhler
Hi! I'm Hannah and I've been working as a working student at IRC for over a year now. I was born and raised in Berlin, so I know my city pretty well. I spent a year abroad myself and can relate to the feeling when everything is new pretty well, too. That’s why I am very happy to share my knowledge and experiences with new Berliners.

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